Monday, 7 March 2016


The assignment brief for this project was to choose a topic that would finally be a poster. This showed how concerned I was of the topic. The topic that I chose to do this project on was Cyber Bullying. This is because the topic was personal to me.

The research that I did was to look at some images of Cyber Bullying to use for my final piece.
I looked at different images of Cyber Bullying to give me some inspiration for my final piece. Also I did some further research. This included me researching different slogans that influenced me with creating my final piece/poster. This was so I could use this research to create my own slogan that I felt would work for my poster. 

From my research the artist that inspired my design for my final piece was Kristina Webb. For my
Primary research I made a survey monkey questionnaire. I have also found out that the age range of people being bullied is 11-14 year olds which is not what I was expecting as an answer. I thought it would be 2-6 year olds. The percentage of the answers was 66.67%. From my results I have found out that you should get support of staff members whether it is in a school or a college rather than contact close friends to try and help which I have found interesting. This is because the answers that I have got from my survey not all of the answers are the answers that I would have expected people to answer to which shows their opinion. I have found out that 4 people out of 9 know who has been bullied.  I have researched the different types of Cyber Bullying through posters from different artists to influence what I could have based my poster on.  However for my Secondary Research I have researched different slogans, aswell as researched Kristina Webb's artwork to influence me to use for my poster to make it stand out.  Also for my secondary research I have narrowed down my research to slogans and art research  because I know that I would use a similar theme for my poster compared to my Primary research.  My Secondary research show that the artist had  drawn each of the Cyber Bullying images in their own style. .


My Secondary research was  the most helpful to me. This is because it gave me some slogan designs, and artist's research   that I could use for my final piece. My primary research was also helpful because it gave me the opportunity to create a questionnaire with other people's views and feedback. Also my secondary research was the most helpful because it gave me the inspiration to create a slogan to show Cyber Bullying.  It was also helpful because it showed how different people create their slogans that stand out so that I could use the inspiration to create my poster using an eye catching slogan.  The thing that I made is a poster. This was to symbolise Cyber Bullying and how it affected people's lives. I wanted to get my word across in a poster. I don't think that it would have worked if I chose something other then a poster. The poster made my concern stand out. I think it would have had people's attention to stop Cyber Bullying.  The colour that I used in my poster was red. This was because I felt that it was the right colour to use on a poster. It made my poster bright and eye catching with the bold lettering and colour. Also I chose the colour red for my poster because it symbolises Cyber Bullying. It showed people's reaction when they are bullied which is why I chose the colour red. 

The way that I got my images was the fact that I took them at home. I used my camera to capture the type of shots that I wanted. I took a lot of test shots to see which shot was better. I used my dad and my brother for my poster. I took a lot of photos to make sure that I had the best result for my poster. My brother and dad posed for me as I took my photos. They looked exactly how I wanted them to look because I had to direct them into the positions that I wanted. I used my photography skills to capture the descent photos of my dad and brother for my poster. For the keyboard images I took simple photos of a college keyboard. I used them to create my slogan for my poster. This was to make my poster powerful and eye catching with the slogan. The effect that I wanted to get across with the slogan was that the victim of Cyber Bullying was typing the slogan. This turned out well because I used my experience on Cyber Bullying. As well as that I thought about what other people still go through now.

The tool that I have used to create my poster is Photoshop. On Photoshop I used the graphic tool to create my font. I also used the highlight tool to highlight the word 'help' on the full photo of the keyboard to show the victim's reaction. I used the move tool on Photoshop to move my photos to the right place that I wanted them to be. I have also used the crop tool make my photos a better quality other. I have also used this to make it fit on my poster. Without the crop tool my photos would have been squashed up on my poster which wouldn't have been a good sign.

 I have developed some new skills with the fact that I kept on using Photoshop. These skills included knowing how to create a poster using photo shop. Also some of the new skills that I have developed is my photography skills. I have done this by using different positions of my actors to get the best photo. The thing that I found hard/ difficult with this was asking my actors to pose in the position, because I couldn't really use the right terms to use. I had to ask my actors to move around in their position to get the best lighting, that would fit the photo well without getting in the way.

My time management overall was alright. There was just a few things that I don't think worked to my time management. These was the fact I finished before I was planning to finish my final piece. Also I rushed my final piece a little which I feel affected my time management. If I had more time I would have improved my final piece with adding colour to the background and improving the font to make it easier to read- clearer. I feel I have used my skills to create a great final piece. I haven't really kept to my production schedule because I had to change some things. The things that I have had to change is my production schedule mentioned for me to plan and create cartoons but I changed it to photography skills. This was so I could use my new skills instead of my old favourite skills.

 The target audience that I have aimed my poster at is children/ This is because children are more likely to be bullied then adults. Also my photo shows that children are mostly bullied with the photo of my brother(Child) as the main victim.  The demographic audience of my poster/project would be between the ages of 4-17 mainly. This is because they are in the child category.  Also the gender that this would appeal to is girls and boys because anyone could be bullied.

I felt that presenting my work was very good. This is because I didn't read off the board. Instead I used prompt cards to tell me more about my presentation in detail. I felt more confident whilst I was presenting because I went through my presentation twice. The peer feedback that I got about my presentation was that I used good photography skills to create the main focus of my poster. The things that my peers said that I could improve is to improve the font, possibly by colouring it in to add to the boldness.  Overall I am  happy with the outcome of my poster.

Monday, 29 February 2016


I have made a presentation to present next week. I asked two people to comment on my final piece to see what they thought about it, and how I could improve if I did it again.

From each slide of my presentation I have explained in bullet points what each of my processes was to get to my final piece.
This is so people know what  I had to go through to create my final piece.
For my presentation I haven't indicated all of my points in paragraphs or sentences. This is to make the presentation readable and easier to understand without reading off the board.

Artists research/reflecting on research

For my Primary research I have researched the different types of Cyber Bullying through posters from different artists to influence what I could have based my poster on.  However for my Secondary Research I have researched different slogans that I could use for my poster to make it stand out.  Also for my secondary research I have narrowed down my research to slogans because I know that I would use a similar theme for my poster compared to my Primary research.  The comparison between my primary and Secondary research is that my Secondary research I have found is more powerful then my Primary Research because the Secondary research hasn't been drawn by the artist compared to my Secondary research.  My Primary research shows that the artists that have drawn each of the Cyber Bullying images shows that that is how they see Cyber Bullying.  That is all part of being an artist when you do things the way you do it.

The research that was the most helpful to me was my Secondary Research. This is because it gave me some slogans that I could use for my final piece.  My primary research was also helpful because it showed how different people create their work to do with Cyber Bullying.  It shows that everyone sees things differently and not the same.  My primary research showed different artists with their interputation of Cyber bullying through their own eyes.  The Secondary research was the most helpful also because it gave me the inspiration to create a slogan to show Cyber Bullying.  It was also helpful because it showed how different people create slogans that stand out so that I could use the   inspiration to create my poster using an eye catching slogan, that stands out from the rest of the poster.

The artists that inspired me when I was designing my own work was Dave Granlund, Kristina Webb and Andrea Joseph. This influenced me when I was designing my work because it shows how they see Cyber Bullying through their own special way, and how they see things. Kristina Webb is the artist that inspired me the most because of the way that she used Cyber Bullying in her work. This influenced me  because it gave me the idea that I could do something similar to her work. The way that she used the Cyber Bullying topic to create an artwork that looks realistic also influenced me. This was because her artwork shows how Cyber Bullying affects real lives without using too much writing. Also her work gives powerful messages to do with Cyber Bullying which has influenced me for my work.

These images show that Kristina Webb mainly draws portraits. It also gives the impression that she wants to get the message across that Cyber Bullying is bad with the way that she has drawn the images. It shows that nothing can be done about being Cyber Bullied with the way that Kristina Webb has drawn them with Cyber Bullying words inside and outside of the main portrait to show that Cyber Bullying hurts. These also give the impression that Cyber Bullying hurts inside the body aswell as the outside with the way that she has written the words. Also these two images are powerful with the colours that Kristina Webb has used. The darker image shows upset and devastation with how it feels to be Cyber Bullied/the victim of it. The lighter image shows how upset being people because of Cyber Bullying, and how you can't hide with being bullied.


Survey Monkey results




This is my results from the survey that I did on Survey Monkey.  From my results I have found out that the best way to stop Cyber Bullying is to Block, Ignore, Call the Police response as my survey shows in the results. The percentage of people who chose the most popular answer for this question is 77.78 % showing that this is the best way to stop Cyber Bullying if it happened. I have also found out that the age range of people being bullied is 11-14 year olds which is not what I was expecting as an answer. I thought it would be 2-6 year olds. The percentage of the answers was 66.67%. From my results I have found out that you should get support of staff members whether it is in a school or a college rather than contact close friends to try and help which I have found interesting. This is because the answers that I have got from my survey not all of the answers are the answers that I would have expected people to answer to which shows their opinion. I have found out that 4 people out of 9 know who has been bullied. I have done this research on Survey Monkey to see what I could improve/use my final piece/poster.

Cyber Bullying Poster

 I have used my brother as the main victim for the poster with my dad as one of those counsellor's showing that whoever reads the poster would understand that children are cyber bullied a lot from this poster. This top poster is my final piece for Cyber Bullying that I have created using Photoshop. I like my result of the poster because it looks exactly like some-one has really been bullied, I like my design of this poster compared to the bottom one. The slogan really brings the poster together. It makes the poster stand out even more.  I haven't left a gap between the two words of the slogan because I  feel that the it is bold enough and eye catching.

This is the poster before the slogan which I feel doesn't work as well as the final poster. The only difference that I have made with the top poster compared to the bottom poster is that I have shifted the photo of my dad to the left to fill the gap to make it look more like a poster which works. I like the colour of the title in bold red block writing because it shows that I have thought about how to make the poster more eye catching.
This poster is my final poster compared to the top poster. I asked for advice on what I could put in the gap on my poster. The response that I got was to put a  photo of a keyboard in the  white/ blank space and highlight the word help or you are not alone to make the poster more professional. This was a great idea because it shows that things can be done about Cyber Bullying,. The word that I have highlighted is help to show that people can have help when they are being Cyber Bullied. The whole final poster shows the power of being Cyber Bullied and the results and emotions that can happen through the eyes of the bullied victim. I feel as though this poster would get people's attention to stop Cyber  Bullying from the slogan and the short snappy non verbal text on the keyboard.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Slogan photos of keyboard

 I have taken some photos of a keyboard to use to create my slogan for my poster. This also makes it look interesting and different. I have also taken some photos of a keyboard to use for my slogan so it looks like it is my own work instead of using someone else's work. Using a keyboard for the slogan would give my poster an eye catching element to the poster instead of making it boring which people wouldn't want to see on a poster. Also it shows that the slogan has been written by a victim using a keyboard which I like. I think that this would have the attention of others. I have taken three photos of a keyboard because I didn't know which one would be the better to use for my poster. 

 I have taken a photo of this keyboard to use on my poster to show what the victim of Cyber Bullying might say. This would also show through a poster to try and stop being form bullying others as it isn't nice. It is wrong. From this photo I am going to highlight the word of 'Help' showing that the victim of bullying is saying through the eyes of a poster. I feel as though this would make the poster more powerful with just the highlighted section with the keyboard aswell as the main photo showing being Cyber Bullying and the reaction/emotion of those who have been bullied.

Cyber Bullying counsellor photos

I have taken lots of photos of my dad to use for my cyber bullying poster. This is because he is supposed to show one of the helper people who help those who are being bullied or have been bullied.

I have captured different photos to see which one would be the best ones. Some of them didn't work as well because they were blurred which ruined the perfectly good photo. Some pieces of paper and things was in the way of the photos so I had to move some of them out of the way to make the better quality

My dad had to have a concerned face on to show that he was posing as one of the helpers for those being bullied. I wanted him to be on the phone showing that he is helping others. I don't think that it would work if my dad wasn't on the phone because it wouldn't look very convincing or realistic.

The photo that I have used for my poster is  number 23 because it shows clearly the helper for cyber bullying. I like the way that my dad is sitting on the laptop being concerned whilst being on the phone.

Cyber Bullying Victim photos

 I have taken photos of my brother to use for my Cyber Bullying Poster. This is because he is the perfect person to use. Also Cyber Bullying happens mainly in children then teenagers so it worked well.

 I like the photos that I have taken because I have captured each of the images well. I feel as though the photos have captured the main focus of the whole subject that I am doing. Some of the photos have smudged a bit and blurred. These photos would have worked well if they weren't blurred.

I asked my brother to do a few different faces as if he is being cyber bullied to see which facial expressions worked well the best and which didn't turn out as well.

I have used the 4th photo because it isn't blurred and it has been captured well. It looks exactly as though my brother is being cyber bullied. This photo on my poster should hopefully get the attention of others who are being bullied or to the parents of the bullied.

I have also taken some of the photos from the side to get some different results. These worked well but not as well as the front facing photos.  I don't think that I could have taken any better photos. The only one of these photos that didn't work was the photo where my brother is sort of smiling. This is because I captured the photo whilst he was laughing which was funny at the time. The facial expressions that my brother did look realistic compared to if he was really being bullied. They almost look as though he is about to cry due to the way his face is. I feel this would make people feel as though bullying is wrong, it should stop forever.