For my Primary research I have researched the different types of Cyber Bullying through posters from different artists to influence what I could have based my poster on. However for my Secondary Research I have researched different slogans that I could use for my poster to make it stand out. Also for my secondary research I have narrowed down my research to slogans because I know that I would use a similar theme for my poster compared to my Primary research. The comparison between my primary and Secondary research is that my Secondary research I have found is more powerful then my Primary Research because the Secondary research hasn't been drawn by the artist compared to my Secondary research. My Primary research shows that the artists that have drawn each of the Cyber Bullying images shows that that is how they see Cyber Bullying. That is all part of being an artist when you do things the way you do it.
The research that was the most helpful to me was my Secondary Research. This is because it gave me some slogans that I could use for my final piece. My primary research was also helpful because it showed how different people create their work to do with Cyber Bullying. It shows that everyone sees things differently and not the same. My primary research showed different artists with their interputation of Cyber bullying through their own eyes. The Secondary research was the most helpful also because it gave me the inspiration to create a slogan to show Cyber Bullying. It was also helpful because it showed how different people create slogans that stand out so that I could use the inspiration to create my poster using an eye catching slogan, that stands out from the rest of the poster.
The artists that inspired me when I was designing my own work was Dave Granlund, Kristina Webb and Andrea Joseph. This influenced me when I was designing my work because it shows how they see Cyber Bullying through their own special way, and how they see things. Kristina Webb is the artist that inspired me the most because of the way that she used Cyber Bullying in her work. This influenced me because it gave me the idea that I could do something similar to her work. The way that she used the Cyber Bullying topic to create an artwork that looks realistic also influenced me. This was because her artwork shows how Cyber Bullying affects real lives without using too much writing. Also her work gives powerful messages to do with Cyber Bullying which has influenced me for my work.
These images show that Kristina Webb mainly draws portraits. It also gives the impression that she wants to get the message across that Cyber Bullying is bad with the way that she has drawn the images. It shows that nothing can be done about being Cyber Bullied with the way that Kristina Webb has drawn them with Cyber Bullying words inside and outside of the main portrait to show that Cyber Bullying hurts. These also give the impression that Cyber Bullying hurts inside the body aswell as the outside with the way that she has written the words. Also these two images are powerful with the colours that Kristina Webb has used. The darker image shows upset and devastation with how it feels to be Cyber Bullied/the victim of it. The lighter image shows how upset being people because of Cyber Bullying, and how you can't hide with being bullied.
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